AACN Essentials


The Essentials

Webinars & Programs

Webinars and Programs

At 杨贵妃传媒网ygfcmw·(中国)站入口直接进, we are committed to empowering academic institutions, deans, and faculty to successfully implement the Essentials. Our webinars and programs are designed to support your journey in implementing these Essentials seamlessly. Here's what we offer:

  • Webinars: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in nursing education through our series of webinars. Our upcoming webinars provide real-time insights and discussions on key topics related to the Essentials. If you can't attend live, don't worry. Access our on-demand webinars, ensuring you can learn at your own pace, at a time that suits you.
  • Faculty Development Workshops: Our workshops are meticulously crafted to equip faculty with the tools and knowledge necessary to implement competency-based education and assessment effectively. These workshops are led by experts in the field and provide a collaborative space for faculty to learn, exchange ideas, and develop practical strategies for curriculum design and assessment aligned with the Essentials.
  • On-Demand Conference Sessions and Presentation Slides: Access on-demand conference sessions and presentation slides.
  • New Coaching Program: Available through a contract-based model, this program offers the expertise of experienced coaches who can be requested to address institution-specific requirements, regardless of your school's current stage in implementing the Essentials.


Upcoming and On-Demand
Essentials Webinars



Faculty Development Workshops on CBE and Assessment



On-demand conference sessions and presentation slides



Expert coaching for specific institutional needs


Virtual Vendor Showcase

Don't Miss AACN's Next Vendor Showcase!

As your school continues to evolve its nursing programs and transition to competency-based education, we want to ensure you stay abreast of the latest tools and services to enhance your school's Essentials implementation efforts. This event is specifically designed for AACN member deans, faculty, and administrators who are considering innovative technology solutions to elevate your curriculum and streamline program administration. Register now for the next virtual showcase, which will be held on Tuesday, October 1 at 10:00 am (ET).

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